Network Maps with Packetbeat- Using Graphs?


I am new to using Graphs. I was wondering with Packetbeat/Network Packet Capture integration, if it was possible to create a graph or topology of the traffic between source.ip and destination.ip . If graphs can help is there potentially going to be a way to map network activity or topology?
Like this would be great:

All that graph can work with is the data the is in the documents ingested. They would not really be aware of the topology of the system without enriching the data in between the capture and ingest (with either ingest pipelines or Logstash if you have a more complex modification to do). Then you could probably get this kind of chart using Graph.

@Marius_Dragomir, ah yes that it can work, the source.ip and destination.ip are fields that come ingested through the Network Packet Capture.


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