New Index not showingup in kibana 5 Discover Data

Hi Team,

I have loaded sample data given in doc for log data . Could able to successfully do it verified in elasticSearch plugins index got created with data loaded . Create index in kibana but unable to access in "Discover Data" Getting "No Results Found" .

I verified with timestamp format change also still no success .
Can any one help in What am doing wrong?

check your logs
cat /var/log/logstash/logstash.log
for any errors

Am not able to run the command can you give the proper command .

on which system hav you installed your elk server

Windows 7

sorry those command were for ubuntu and centos look for windows logs

How to check for windows logs? BDW from screenshots are you getting any clue. It looks alright to me .

Are your timestamps correctly set in UTC? What do you get if you perform a match all query against the logstash-2017.06.01 index in Console?

Hi Christian,

Thank you for reaching out, i tried below my screenshots .

getting some parse exception What am i doing wrong ?

I overlooked that you had older indices matching the pattern as well. The console query should look something like this:

GET /logstash-2017.06.01/_search
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}

Ya christian am able to fetch all data with above command .

Look at the timestamp in your document. I wonder how this ended up in the logstash-2017.06.01 index given that the date is in the future?

Thanks christian for pointing out but can you conform how future date got set as in my uploaded data json file i checked there is no such date their . And how can i update it .

It is present already in the original message, so I would look at the source of the logs.

Thanks Christian you save my day . Am new to ES so just playing arround . Please bear with me .:slight_smile:

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