Next_doc takes a long time

{ "size":0, "query": { "more_like_this": { "fields": ["abstractText"], "like": [{ "_index": "pubmed2", "_id": "30948449" }], "max_query_terms": 40, "min_term_freq": 2, "min_doc_freq": 5, "max_doc_freq": 2147483647, "min_word_length": 0, "max_word_length": 0, "minimum_should_match": "50%", "boost_terms": 0.0, "include": true, "fail_on_unsupported_field": true, "boost": 1.0 } } }
I searched the searchprofiler above kibana and found next_doc took a long time. I want to know what next_doc is mainly used for and how to optimize it!

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