nGram Autocomplete

I have implemented multifield partial autocomplete using nGram-s as presented in the following blogpost:
It works great in case of a single match query. However, it fails when using the same match query inside a boolean query which contains several other queries as well.
Is there any way to gain the same result as a single match query provides in case of a boolean query?

For instance the match query below works as expected. It retrieves all those documents which contain both "shop" and "mi".

     "query": {
         "match" : {
            "_all": {
                 "query": "shop mi",
                 "operator": "and"

Whereas the boolean query below, which contains the same match query doesn't retrieve any documents. It results in 0 hits. However, it should also retrieve all those documents, which contain both "shop" and "mi", but having values for the "@timestamp" field in the specified range.

"query": {
  "bool" : {
    "must" : [
        "range" : {
          "@timestamp" : {
            "from" : 1516881600000,
            "to" : 1516882500000,
            "include_lower" : true,
            "include_upper" : true,
            "format" : "epoch_millis",
            "boost" : 1.0
    "filter" : [
        "match" : {
          "_all" : {
            "query" : "shop mi",
            "operator" : "and",
            "boost" : 1.0
    "boost" : 1.0

Resolved: Actually there is no problem with the second query. It came out that there was no document that contained "shop mi" and had a value of "@timestamp" in the specified range. When changing the parameters of the range query properly, the boolean query does return a document containing "shop mi".

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