Part of string multi_match bool

I just duplicated mu customer database into Elasticsearch for faster result.

On my listing page I have a search field to search any string into my customer db. the search should be able to match a result on email, first name, last name, id and phone.

I created an nGram filter to be able to match only parts of query

            index: `customer`,
            body: {
                analysis : {
                    index_analyzer: {
                        my_index_analyzer: {
                            type: "custom",
                            tokenizer: "standard",
                            filter: ["lowercase", "mynGram"]
                      search_analyzer: {
                        my_search_analyzer: {
                            type: "custom",
                            tokenizer: "standard",
                            filter: [ "standard", "lowercase", "mynGram"]
                      filter: {
                        mynGram: {
                            type: "nGram",
                            min_gram: 2,
                            max_gram: 30
                max_ngram_diff: 30

and my query is


But this is not working as I want.

For example one of my emails is test@geo.loc and if I search for loc I have no result.

I made another test with 4 emails test@geo.loc Looking for test it only returns test@geo.loc and should return all the results

Other test one of the phones number is 2211111111 if I am looking for 1111 I have no result but 2211111111 works

try using the analyze API with the email address against both analyzers in order to figure out how data is put into the inverted index.

also a full blown example including index creation, mapping configuration, document indexing would probably help in order to reproduce the issue.

Thank you!

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