No handler for type [dense_vector] for version 7.4.2

Hi, I'm trying to load the data stored in index with a 6.7.0 version to the new index with a 7.4.2 version adding field with 'dense_vector' type. But got the next error:
RequestError(400, 'mapper_parsing_exception', 'No handler for type [dense_vector] declared on field [vector]').

Can you explain the reason for it?

BODY = """


  "settings": {

    "number_of_shards": 2,

    "number_of_replicas": 2


   "mappings": {

    "dynamic": "true",

    "_source": {

      "enabled": "true"


    "properties": {

      "id": {

        "type": "keyword"


      "title": {

        "type": "text"


      "description": {

        "type": "text"


      "vector": {

        "type": "dense_vector",

        "dims": 768






def get_data(elastic_client, scroll, max_size = 10000):



    Extract data from elastic and return scroll_id 

    to have ability to extract next rows using scroll api



    if max_size > 10000:

        max_size = 10000


    if scroll is None:

        result_dict = = OLD_INDEX_NAME, 

                                            scroll = '25m', 

                                            size = max_size)


        result_dict = elastic_client.scroll(scroll_id = scroll, 

                                            scroll = '25m')


    scroll = result_dict['_scroll_id']

    return result_dict, scroll

def append_data(database_size = 20000, request_size = 10000):



    Append vectors of description to elastic

    :param: database_size - num of rows in elastic

    :maram: request_size - max num of rows, that we can get

    from one request






    # as firstly we need to conect to elastic not via scroll

    # we define scroll as None 

    scroll = None


    if database_size%request_size == 0:

        number_of_requests = database_size//request_size


        number_of_requests = database_size//request_size + 1


    for i in range(number_of_requests):


        result_dict, scroll = get_data(old_client,


                                       max_size = request_size)

        docs = []

        count = 0


        for video in result_dict["hits"]["hits"]:


            count += 1


            #indexind descriptions by batches

            if count % BATCH_SIZE == 0:


                docs = []

                print("Indexed {} documents.".format(count))

        if docs:


            print("Indexed {} documents.".format(count))


    print("Done indexing.")

def index_batch(docs):


    """Create vector field for docs"""


    titles = [doc['_source']['description'] for doc in docs]

    title_vectors = embed_text(titles)

    requests = []

    for i, doc in enumerate(docs):

        #request = doc #

        request = {}

        request['id'] = doc['_source']['id']

        request['title'] = doc['_source']['title']

        request['description'] = doc['_source']['description']

        request['_source']["vector"] = title_vectors[i]


    bulk(new_client, iter(requests))


Which distribution are you using? What is the output of:



  "name" : "ip-10-23-1-73",
  "cluster_name" : "bnCluster",
  "cluster_uuid" : "uyOrTCL5QiG3VVrs8i8gdg",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "7.6.1",
    "build_flavor" : "oss",
    "build_type" : "tar",
    "build_hash" : "aa751e09be0a5072e8570670309b1f12348f023b",
    "build_date" : "2020-02-29T00:15:25.529771Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "8.4.0",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "6.8.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "6.0.0-beta1"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

It seems dense_vector requires the default distribution and you are using the OSS one.

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