No matching token for number_type [BIG_INTEGER]

  • Stopped our logstash indexer
  • Dropped today's index
  • Altered the template inorder to set type of a specific previous dynamic field as a string type, since it some time caused index to be created with this dynamic fieled as a long and thus maybe gave field type conflicts.
  • Started the logstash indexer
  • Got a new index of today auto created
  • Verified field now is mapped as a string
  • Went to Kibana and got this error:

Error: Request to Elasticsearch failed: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_state_exception","reason":"No matching token for number_type [BIG_INTEGER]"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query_fetch","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"owmlog-2016.04.29","node":"gSLxsnTgS5iPcZtuhdlC3A","reason":{"type":"illegal_state_exception","reason":"No matching token for number_type [BIG_INTEGER]"}}]}}

Tried to drop and recreate index a few times with same result, why?

Wondering if the BIG_NUMBER is a Kibana issue or ES, any ideas?

Kibana 4.5.0 only sees 4 fields as numbers from ES:2.3.1

nodePort number Edit
port number Edit
time number Edit
_score number Edit

How could I dig further down to find the data causing this?

Seems to have disappear again after patching all my ES nodes to 2.3.2-1 inlcuding my tribe node on the kibana host :relieved:

A bit to soon to cheer :confused:, it appeared again, hints on how to drill down to figure out why this is triggered appreciated!

Error: Request to Elasticsearch failed: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_state_exception","reason":"No matching token for number_type [BIG_INTEGER]"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query_fetch","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"popserv-2016.05.03","node":"lfWys2RkT9uuTCAz0lcmww","reason":{"type":"illegal_state_exception","reason":"No matching token for number_type [BIG_INTEGER]"}}]}}
map@[native code]

Nailed it done to documents like this:

     "cmd":"<redacted>","fromhost":"<redacted ip>",
     "geoip":{"country_name":"<redacted>","continent_code":"EU","city_name":"<redacted>","location":[xx.520100000000014,yy.39019999999999],"ip":"<redact ip>"},

And have this template for the index:


My concern are that the mbox field isn't made a string as template says since it it's value isn't quoted '"' like other string fields and that 20 digit numbers cause this BIG_INTEGER issue.

Am I right it's not a string when not returned '"' quoted and if so, how can I force this field to be made a string if not by my template?

Don't suppose query parameter 'lenient' cant help if possible to use from kibana either?

The Mapping API says mbox is a string as expected, but why do a query return unquoted values then...
or am I barking up the wrong tree with this BIG_INTEGER though I'm pretty sure it docs like this that break kibana queries...

[root@cbdA ~]# curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/popserv-2016.05.25/_mapping'

If I index a doc and prefix my large number for mbox field with some letters then query API returns a '"' quoted value and thus kibana sees no issue with BIG_INTEGER... seems a bug to me that ES tries to return a number though the type is mapped as a string, just because it see only numbers in the string value...
How to report this bug... I wonder

[root@cbdA ~]# curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/popserv-2016.05.25/_search?q=mbox=id9<redacted 19 digits>'

:blush: it's not a ES bug,
it's my own mistake, had a logstash filter that splits key/value pairs into fields with this ruby bit:

          k = kvs[0]
          v = kvs[1]
          if v.match('\A\d+\Z')
            event[k] = v.to_i
          elsif v.match('\A\d+\.\d+\Z')
            event[k] = v.to_f
            event[k] = v

changing it to this seems to avoid large integers

          k = kvs[0]
          v = kvs[1]
          if v.match('\A\d+\Z') and v.length <= 18
            event[k] = v.to_i
          elsif v.match('\A\d+\.\d+\Z')
            event[k] = v.to_f
            event[k] = v