My project has documents with very large integers. In order to index those
documents, I have to set their types to string (or double) -- either one
However, I get the following exception whenever a URL includes a "?fields="
Here's a simple demonstration (also available as a Gist:
Create index.
curl -X DELETE localhost:9200/xx
curl -X PUT localhost:9200/xx
Set up the mapping to handle very large integer fields.
curl -X PUT localhost:9200/xx/yy/_mapping -d '{"yy": {"properties": {"a":
{"type": "string"}, "b": {"type": "string"}}}}'
Index two documents, the second having very large integers.
curl -X PUT localhost:9200/xx/yy/1 -d '{"a": 123, "b": 456}'
curl -X PUT localhost:9200/xx/yy/2 -d '{"a": 933655199414565157, "b":
Everything is working so far: I can retrieve the documents.
curl -X GET localhost:9200/xx/yy/1
curl -X GET localhost:9200/xx/yy/2
I can use a ?fields= query parameter with the first document.
curl -X GET localhost:9200/xx/yy/1?fields=a,b
But not with the second.
curl -X GET localhost:9200/xx/yy/2?fields=a,b
{"error":"ElasticSearchIllegalStateException[No matching token for
number_type [BIG_INTEGER]]","status":500}
Here's my version info: 0.90.5, Build: c8714e8/2013-09-17T12:50:20Z, JVM:
Am I doing something incorrectly, or is there a workaround? Thanks.
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