No matching token for number_type [BIG_INTEGER]

Nailed it done to documents like this:

     "cmd":"<redacted>","fromhost":"<redacted ip>",
     "geoip":{"country_name":"<redacted>","continent_code":"EU","city_name":"<redacted>","location":[xx.520100000000014,yy.39019999999999],"ip":"<redact ip>"},

And have this template for the index:


My concern are that the mbox field isn't made a string as template says since it it's value isn't quoted '"' like other string fields and that 20 digit numbers cause this BIG_INTEGER issue.

Am I right it's not a string when not returned '"' quoted and if so, how can I force this field to be made a string if not by my template?

Don't suppose query parameter 'lenient' cant help if possible to use from kibana either?