No Median CPU Usage in my track results


I created 3 different tracks to compare the results of some mapping changes. Out of these 3 tracks, only one of these doesn't report the Median CPU Usage. The metric is not reported at all, not even with a blank value.

What could be the reason that CPU usage is in the other 2 track results but not this one?

I am indexing 10 million documents
esrally 0.5.3

esrally race --track=flat --distribution-version=1.7.3

Lap Metric Operation Value Unit
All Indexing time 0.19725 min
All Refresh time 0.0711167 min
All Median CPU usage 97.9 %
All Total Young Gen GC 0.635 s
All Total Old Gen GC 0.068 s
All Index size 0.0413944 GB
All Totally written 0.116398 GB
All Heap used for segments 0.352222 MB
All Segment count 22
All Min Throughput index-append 1365.1 docs/s
All Median Throughput index-append 1365.1 docs/s
All Max Throughput index-append 1365.1 docs/s
All 100th percentile latency index-append 7116.46 ms
All 100th percentile service time index-append 7116.46 ms
All error rate index-append 0 %


Hi @bernitorres,

Based on the metrics I see here (e.g. index size is just 40 MB) I guess that your benchmark does not take very long and sometimes even finishes within the warmup period. Rally will not include any warmup samples in the final report and that may be the reason why you do not see any CPU usage results.

If you store your metrics in a dedicated Elasticsearch metrics store, it will contain all raw samples and you could run a query to check this. You could also (temporarily) set the warmup time period of the bulk-index operation in your track to 0 to check my assumption. However, I suggest to index more documents as you're basically only measuring Elasticsearch's warmup behavior.


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