No results found in kabana discover page

Hi I am new to elastic search and kibana I am facing the below issues.

When I select 30days time range only I could see the data until February 19th 2021, 14:01:51.
How to get the latest data

When I select 30days time range only I could see the data until February 19th 2021, 14:01:51.
How to get the latest data

Are you certain you have ingested data in the same index since that time? What happens if you query Elasticsearch directly using dev tools; do you see any more recent results?

GET omn_security-*/_search
  "query": {
     "match_all": {}
  "sort" : [{ "@timestamp" : "desc" }]

Thanks for your response .Found the issue, logstash was not running properly, it has two many services .
Just stopped all the logstash services and started .Now its working as expected.

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