I have an ELK stack, hosted on a Linux, an EC2 VM running at AWS and my logstash works in the background on that same environment
I used to start logstash as a service using "systemctl start logstash" and it works normally
It starts to process the logs
The logs are .txt files, all stored at a directory that works like a file system, mounted on my S3 Bucket
So, I have my logstash .conf file, that has an input that look to this folder inside my EC2, using the file input plugin
And after like, 1 or 2 hours, logstash starts to log some errors like "No space left on device"
And the path next to this message is exactly the same path where the raw logs are stored inside the EC2
Logs are stored at "/usr/share/logs/log1.txt"
And the error message was
No space left on device => [:path => " "/usr/share/logs/log1.txt"
So, i've stopped logstash using "systemctl stop logstash", waited like, 30 min and restarts it, and the logs starts to process again
I don't know why this is happening, and how can i prevent this from happening
Edit1: If I let logstash running, it stops to process everything when the "No space left..." errors starts to come out, i've made a test, waiting some time to logstash to stabilize, but nothing happens, anyway i have to stop logstash and restarts it