How is log storage working?

I have an ELK server where all my other (50+) servers are sending their logs to it. It's a virtual machine and i gave it at first 60GB of storage which i divided.

I monitor this server and i received a warning that my harddisk space is running out of space. The ELK server runs for 3 weeks now so it is using a lot of space to store the logs.

I would like to understand how the storage is working. I know it makes an index of all the logs, but does it also (g)zips the logs?

I would like to have the logs for at least 6 months and after that the oldest ones can be deleted. How is ELK working with these kind of settings?

Can anyone give me some idea about this?

The relation between the size of the data being indexed and how much space it takes up on disk will depend a lot on the mappings you use. The default Logstash config indexes most fields both as analyzed and not_analyzed which adds a lot of flexibility when you query it, but tends to take up a fair bit of space on disk. You can save a significant amount of disk space by optimising how you store data and map it. We published a blog post. last month which shows the effect eliminating certain fields and rationalising mappings can have on the size for typical logging use cases.

Best regards,
