I found a situation but I'm not sure s this normal or not.
I have a Elasticsearch cluster with two nodes lest say A and B.
A is master node, B is not, but they held data.
Both of them were set action.auto_create_index:false in elasticseach.yml.
When I create a java application that use node client to send index request. The Index will created automatically if it is not existed.
After tracing and step into runtime execution, I found if node client config missed this setting (or set as true) Index will be created, otherwise no.
Is this normal or not?
I thought if Master node decide "action.auto_create_index: false", each node in cluster should respect this setting.
Any idea?
I use Elasticearch v1.7.2 and you can see
AutoCreateIndex.java file located in org.elasticsearch.action.support package