Not able to install elasticsearch in Windows 7

Hi team,
Can you help me to resolve this error.
could not find java; set JAVA_HOME or ensure java is in PATH

I have successfully set the path in environment variables as follows



You need to point it to the JDK directory, not it's bin directory.

once you set your java path,
open command prompt, and type
java -version
if it is set properly, it will show the java with version number

Next Step,

  1. Open command prompt
  2. Navigate to the elasticsearch bin folder ex: D:\ELK\Elasticserach6.4\bin\
  3. Run the command ".\elasticsearch" or ".\elasticsearch.bat"
  4. Observe the output
  5. Open browser and type "localhost:9200"

Hi @balumurari1 ,

Thanks a lot. It worked.

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