Not able to start kibana server

I am trying to start kibana server locally. But i get this errors.
My kibana and elasticsearch version match to 7.1.0

server    log   [11:08:53.105] [error][status][plugin:elasticsearch@8.0.0] Status changed from yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v8.0.0 on all nodes. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v7.1.0 @ (
    server    log   [11:08:53.172] [info][license][xpack] Imported license information from Elasticsearch for the [data] cluster: mode: basic | status: active
    server    log   [11:08:53.176] [info][status][plugin:xpack_main@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.177] [info][status][plugin:graph@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.178] [info][status][plugin:searchprofiler@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.178] [info][status][plugin:ml@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.178] [info][status][plugin:tilemap@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.178] [info][status][plugin:watcher@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.179] [info][status][plugin:grokdebugger@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.179] [info][status][plugin:logstash@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.179] [info][status][plugin:beats_management@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.179] [info][status][plugin:index_management@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.180] [info][status][plugin:index_lifecycle_management@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.180] [info][status][plugin:rollup@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.181] [info][status][plugin:remote_clusters@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.181] [info][status][plugin:cross_cluster_replication@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.181] [info][status][plugin:snapshot_restore@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:53.182] [info][kibana-monitoring][monitoring] Starting monitoring stats collection
    server    log   [11:08:53.216] [info][status][plugin:maps@8.0.0] Status changed from red to green - Ready
    server   error  [11:08:53.292] [warning][stats-collection] [index_not_found_exception] no such index [.kibana], with { resource.type="index_or_alias" &".kibana" & index_uuid="_na_" & index=".kibana" } :: {"path":"/.kibana/_search","query":{},"body":"{\"track_total_hits\":true,\"query\":{\"term\":{\"type\":{\"value\":\"space\"}}},\"aggs\":{\"disabledFeatures\":{\"terms\":{\"field\":\"space.disabledFeatures\",\"include\":[\"discover\",\"visualize\",\"dashboard\",\"dev_tools\",\"advancedSettings\",\"indexPatterns\",\"savedObjectsManagement\",\"timelion\",\"graph\",\"monitoring\",\"ml\",\"apm\",\"code\",\"maps\",\"canvas\",\"infrastructure\",\"logs\",\"siem\",\"uptime\"],\"size\":19}}},\"size\":0}","statusCode":404,"response":"{\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"index_not_found_exception\",\"reason\":\"no such index [.kibana]\",\"resource.type\":\"index_or_alias\",\"\":\".kibana\",\"index_uuid\":\"_na_\",\"index\":\".kibana\"}],\"type\":\"index_not_found_exception\",\"reason\":\"no such index [.kibana]\",\"resource.type\":\"index_or_alias\",\"\":\".kibana\",\"index_uuid\":\"_na_\",\"index\":\".kibana\"},\"status\":404}"}
        at respond (/home/abarge/kibana/devenvlogs/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/transport.js:308:15)
        at checkRespForFailure (/home/abarge/kibana/devenvlogs/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/transport.js:267:7)
        at HttpConnector.<anonymous> (/home/abarge/kibana/devenvlogs/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/http.js:166:7)
        at IncomingMessage.wrapper (/home/abarge/kibana/devenvlogs/node_modules/elasticsearch/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:4935:19)
        at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:194:15)
        at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1103:12)
        at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
    server    log   [11:08:53.293] [warning][stats-collection] Unable to fetch data from spaces collector
    server    log   [11:08:55.989] [warning][browser-driver][reporting] Enabling the Chromium sandbox provides an additional layer of protection.
    server    log   [11:08:56.020] [info][status][plugin:reporting@8.0.0] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    server    log   [11:08:56.068] [info][task_manager] Installing .kibana_task_manager index template version: 8000099.
    server    log   [11:08:56.207] [info][task_manager] Installed .kibana_task_manager index template: version 8000099 (API version 1)
    server    log   [11:08:57.338] [info][code] Initializing Code plugin as code-node.
    server    log   [11:08:57.340] [info][code] Check the versions of Code indices...
    server    log   [11:08:57.350] [info][code] Check repositories on local disk.
    optmzr    log   [11:09:11.742] [info][optimize:dynamic_dll_plugin] No need to compile client vendors dll
    optmzr    log   [11:09:11.743] [info][optimize:dynamic_dll_plugin] Finished all dynamic dll plugin tasks
    optmzr    log   [11:09:11.746] [info][optimize] Optimization success in 38.84 seconds
    server    log   [11:09:59.362] [warning][task_manager] The task maps_telemetry "Maps-maps_telemetry" is not cancellable.
    server    log   [11:11:02.648] [warning][task_manager] The task maps_telemetry "Maps-maps_telemetry" is not cancellable.

Hey @lolcool, welcome to the discussion boards!

It looks like you're running Kibana version 8.0.0, but you're connecting to Elasticsearch version 7.1.0. Where did you download Kibana from? We haven't released version 8 yet...did you happen to download the source code from Github instead of downloading from our downloads page?

I cloned from github as I want to work on logtrail plugin so I was setting up the dev environment from github page:

Ok, that makes sense. If you want to build against 7.1.0, then you should checkout the appropriate branch before starting Kibana:

Assuming you have a remote called upstream pointing to, you'll want:

git checkout upstream/7.1

Then, run yarn kbn bootstrap before starting Kibana.

Alternatively, you can run directly from master, which will target 8.0.0. Then, you can start ES by running yarn es start from the kibana root directory. That will start up the an ephemeral instance of ES on your machine for quick testing and development

Ok so I tried yarn es source which is same as yarn es start but it gave me this error. i already ran yarn kbn bootstrap before

onx-abarge-01|~/sysLogParser/syslogparser$ yarn es source
yarn run v1.15.2
$ node scripts/es source
 info Installing from source
   │ info source path: /home/abarge/sysLogParser/elasticsearch
   │ info install path: /home/abarge/sysLogParser/syslogparser/.es/source
   │ info license: basic
   │ERROR Unhandled error
   │ERROR Error: /home/abarge/sysLogParser/elasticsearch does not exist
   │          at sourceInfo (/home/abarge/sysLogParser/syslogparser/packages/kbn-es/src/install/source.js:88:11)
   │          at installSource (/home/abarge/sysLogParser/syslogparser/packages/kbn-es/src/install/source.js:58:26)
   │          at Cluster.installSource (/home/abarge/sysLogParser/syslogparser/packages/kbn-es/src/cluster.js:66:35)
   │          at (/home/abarge/sysLogParser/syslogparser/packages/kbn-es/src/cli_commands/source.js:62:41)
   │          at (/home/abarge/sysLogParser/syslogparser/packages/kbn-es/src/cli.js:84:19)
   │          at Object.<anonymous> (/home/abarge/sysLogParser/syslogparser/scripts/es.js:27:4)
   │          at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:689:30)
   │          at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:700:10)
   │          at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:599:32)
   │          at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:538:12)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

Ah sorry, I meant to say run yarn es snapshot in my post above.

To answer your question anyway:

Did you clone the elasticsearch repository at this location? yarn es source assumes that you've already cloned the ES repository for it to perform the build.

oh I see. No i have not cloned elasticsearch. Ok will do that and try again. Thank you for the help!

Ok when I run yarn es source I get this error, what could be the problem?

yarn run v1.15.2
$ node scripts/es source
 info Installing from source
   │ info source path: /localdata/kibana/elasticsearch
   │ info install path: /localdata/kibana/syslogparser/.es/source
   │ info license: basic
   │ info on master at 0db0e1330c55b6c5a4c529d6a4f6ecdca7dc4449
   │ info 0 locally modified file(s)
   │ info ./gradlew :distribution:archives:linux-tar:assemble
   │ debg Downloading
   │ debg ..............................................................................................................................
   │ debg 
   │ debg Welcome to Gradle 5.4.1!
   │ debg 
   │ debg Here are the highlights of this release:
   │ debg  - Run builds with JDK12
   │ debg  - New API for Incremental Tasks
   │ debg  - Updates to native projects, including Swift 5 support
   │ debg 
   │ debg For more details see
   │ debg 
   │ debg Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:compileJava
   │ debg 
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:compileGroovy
   │ERROR warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8
   │ERROR 1 warning
   │ debg 
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:generateVersionProperties
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:pluginDescriptors
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:processResources
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:classes
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:jar
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:assemble
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:pluginUnderTestMetadata
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:compileTestJava
   │ERROR /localdata/kibana/elasticsearch/buildSrc/src/test/java/org/elasticsearch/gradle/ error: unmappable character (0xE0) for encoding US-ASCII
   │ERROR         Files.write(file2.toPath(), ("Hello" + System.lineSeparator() + "??????????????????").getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
   │ERROR                                                                          ^
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:compileTestGroovy
   │ERROR warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8
   │ERROR 1 warning
   │ debg 
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:processTestResources
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:testClasses
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:test SKIPPED
   │ debg 
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:validateTaskProperties
   │ debg Task property validation finished with warnings:
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.doc.RestTestsFromSnippetsTask': property 'perSnippet' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.doc.SnippetsTask': property 'perSnippet' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.precommit.DependencyLicensesTask': property 'mappings' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'addressAndPort' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'baseDir' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'commandString' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'cwd' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'failureMarker' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'pid' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'pidFile' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'portsFile' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'runLog' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'stopTask' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'waitCondition' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.AntFixture': property 'wrapperScript' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RestIntegTestTask': property 'nodes' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RunTask': property 'clusterConfig' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg   - Warning: Task type 'org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.VagrantFixture': property 'stopTask' is not annotated with an input or output annotation.
   │ debg 
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:check
   │ debg > Task :buildSrc:build
   │ERROR FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
   │ERROR * Where:
   │ERROR Build file '/localdata/kibana/elasticsearch/modules/reindex/build.gradle' line: 128
   │ERROR * What went wrong:
   │ERROR A problem occurred evaluating project ':modules:reindex'.
   │ERROR > java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)
   │ERROR * Try:
   │ERROR Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
   │ERROR * Get more help at
   │ERROR unable to build ES

I haven't come across that before, but I'm not an expert on the Elasticsearch build system. If you don't need a custom ES build, I highly recommend using yarn es snapshot instead. It'll be faster too :slight_smile:

No worries, I moved to older kibana version and tried it and it worked. Thank you so much for the help! Have a great day

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