Hi all, I am getting this error when I am trying to run Kibana. Also when I am hitting http://localhost:5601 it automatically redirect me to login page which is by default disabled.
log [13:51:27.514] [error][status][plugin:xpack_main@6.3.0] Status changed f
rom yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 on all
nodes. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @ 127.0.
0.1:9200 (
log [13:51:27.514] [error][status][plugin:searchprofiler@6.3.0] Status chang
ed from yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 on
all nodes. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @ 12 (
log [13:51:27.514] [error][status][plugin:ml@6.3.0] Status changed from yell
ow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 on all nodes. I
found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @
log [13:51:27.524] [error][status][plugin:tilemap@6.3.0] Status changed from
yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 on all nod
es. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @
:9200 (
log [13:51:27.524] [error][status][plugin:watcher@6.3.0] Status changed from
yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 on all nod
es. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @
:9200 (
log [13:51:27.524] [error][status][plugin:index_management@6.3.0] Status cha
nged from yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 o
n all nodes. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @ (
log [13:51:27.524] [error][status][plugin:graph@6.3.0] Status changed from y
ellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 on all nodes
. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @
200 (
log [13:51:27.524] [error][status][plugin:security@6.3.0] Status changed fro
m yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 on all no
des. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @ 127.0.0.
1:9200 (
log [13:51:27.524] [error][status][plugin:grokdebugger@6.3.0] Status changed
from yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 on al
l nodes. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @ 127.
0.0.1:9200 (
log [13:51:27.534] [error][status][plugin:logstash@6.3.0] Status changed fro
m yellow to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.3.0 on all no
des. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v2.4.0 @ 127.0.0.
1:9200 (