"now/d" in table filter giving 01:00 and not midnight

I am trying to compare the count of errors today from midnight to now to data from a week ago for the same interval. I am using filters to do this, however "now/d" seems to be starting from 1am rather than midnight, but still stretching to the correct current time. I thought it may be an issue caused by British Summer Time, but the fact that the final time is correct makes me think this is incorrect.
I also need the absolute and percentage difference between these two values. Is there a different filter I should be using? If this task is not possible using a table, is it possible to do this using a different visualisation? I am having a lot of issues with the accuracy of the visual builder in relation to the data I am expecting, so I would rather not use it!

Has anyone else run into this issue? Has it been reported as a bug?


That looks like a bug. Can you please log it here?


Thank you for responding, I will put that in now. Can you think of any work round we can use in the meantime?

Kind regards,

Belinda Armstrong

@lukeelmers / @markov00 any inputs.


I have currently amended the date range to “now/d-1h” to “now” and “now-7d/d-1h” to “now-7d”, however when the clocks change again, I imagine it won’t work.

Kind regards,

Belinda Armstrong

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