numHits must be > 0; please use TotalHitCountCollector if you just need the total hit count

Once in a while i get the following error:

numHits must be > 0; please use TotalHitCountCollector if you just need the total hit count

The query is the following, with varying 'from', but never larger than 750:

    	"track_total_hits": true,
    	"size": 15,
    	"from": 750,
    	"sort": [
    			"_score": {
    				"order": "desc"
    			"sortDate": {
    				"order": "desc"
    	"query": {
    		"function_score": {
    			"boost_mode": "sum",
    			"query": {
    				"bool": {
    					"filter": [
    							"match_all": {}
    					"must": []
    			"functions": [
    					"weight": 5.0
    					"weight": 1.0
    					"filter": {
    						"nested": {
    							"path": "addOns",
    							"query": {
    								"bool": {
    									"filter": [
    											"terms": {
    												"addOns.addOnID": [
    											"range": {
    												"addOns.startDate": {
    													"lte": "2020-04-04T15:56:16.8498491+02:00"
    											"range": {
    												"addOns.finishDate": {
    													"gte": "2020-04-04T15:56:16.8498491+02:00"
    					"weight": 10.0

I have increased the index to "max_result_window": "50000".
It is a standalone installation v. 7.5.2
The index has 1 shard and 0 replica.
The index never have more than 30.000 documents.

Why do the server throw Bad Request: "numHits must be > 0; please use TotalHitCountCollector if you just need the total hit count" ?

can you share a full stack trace? You can use the error_trace=true parameter, see

Why did you change the max result window, if your from never exceeds 750?

Also, is the query you are running or just a part of it?

The query is the complete query.

I increased "max_result_window" because i needed to support some legacy views, where the user can go to page 1300. It is not optimal, but it is a move away from a sql solution, so not all can be changed at once, and has to be gradually rewritten. Since we are not talking millions of documents, i was not worried.

I'm guessing, this is the part i am hitting:

It is only, once in a while i get these errors. I will enable the stacktrace option in production.

D'oh, i found the error.

It is somehow possible for some users to set a negative "from". in a specific view.

Good find, I think the handling there should be improved to avoid confusion... I'll open an issue for that.

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