O365 no failed loggins shown

we test the o365 integration in elastic. Most works correct, but we don´t see the failed loggins.
We only see the success state.

In O365 it shows alle failed loggins, but no logs in elastic.
ELK Stack: 8.8.2
Integration Version: 1.16.0

Where can I start the debug?


Hi @helldunkel,

I assume you are using the O365 filebeat plugin rather than a Fleet integration?

Can you see any errors in either the Filebeat logs or Elasticsearch logs?


I manage the integrations over fleet. So I think it´s the fleet integration?
I´m realy new in elastic, where I find this relevant logs?

I think the Fleet Agent logs are what you need:

After searching inside our logs we saw the logs are in the database. Only the default dashboard uses the wrong values.

So the integration works, only the dashboard not.

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Thanks for sharing the solution @helldunkel. If it's the sample dashboard that comes with the module that you're having issues with I would recommend raising a GitHub issue if you can.

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