Old .kibana indexes


I've noticed we have kibana indexes:

And then since we upgraded to 7.13.1 we also have:

I was wondering if I can delete old .kibana indexes showed at the top?
These are mostly empty, but I can see that for example .kibana-event-log-7.10.2-* are still being created. How can I stop them?

Kind regards,

Could you share an example of the logs that are created in


Are there logs in


Are there multiple Kibana instances?


Hi Matt,

Yes, there are two Kibana instances.

.kibana-event-log-7.10.2-* indexes are empty.
And here is a document from .kibana-event-log-7.13.1-* index:

        "_index" : ".kibana-event-log-7.13.1-000001",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "Y5a49HkBZN82dk1ypBOP",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "@timestamp" : "2021-06-10T07:00:10.578Z",
          "event" : {
            "provider" : "alerting",
            "action" : "execute",
            "start" : "2021-06-10T07:00:10.578Z",
            "outcome" : "success",
            "end" : "2021-06-10T07:00:11.102Z",
            "duration" : 524000000
          "kibana" : {
            "saved_objects" : [
                "rel" : "primary",
                "type" : "alert",
                "id" : "143a10bc-0820-4b65-bfde-ef7499106c5a"
            "alerting" : {
              "status" : "ok"
            "server_uuid" : "cdbcbb2c-5105-493d-9767-9a8373fd043d"
          "message" : """alert executed: xpack.uptime.alerts.durationAnomaly:143a10bc-0820-4b65-bfde-ef7499106c5a: 'Anomaly detection alert "fw-mh-p-fot-01 "'""",
          "ecs" : {
            "version" : "1.8.0"

Thanks for the help.

Kind regards,

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