On demand Rule execution


I have a rule in Kibana that counts the number of packets received for a given wlan-src every second. This is the current setup:

  • Custom query: event.wlan-src: *
  • Runs every 1 second
  • Threshold: 63 packets

However, I would like to modify this rule so that it execute the rule only when a new packet with the field event.wlan-src arrives, rather than continuously counting the packets. Is it technically possible to set up such a rule in Kibana without requiring a paid license?

Any help or guidance would be appreciated!

Thank you!


I think what you are looking for is a New Terms rule

Thanks for your answer!

But I'm not sure that's what I want, as the description of a ‘new Term rule’ is that we want to detect new packets.

Here, I want the rule to run each time a new packet meets the conditions. Basically, if I don't receive a matching packet for 10 hours, I don't want the rule to run.

Thanks for the explanation!

Our security rules, can't run on demand at the moment.

Rules will always run depending on the interval you configured.

Also, I noticed that you run the rule every 1s + plus 1 minute lookback time.

Like rule executed:

  1. Rule executed at 12:30:00 - will search data from 12:28:59-12:30:00
  2. Next rule executed 12:30:01 - will search data from 12:29:00-12:30:01
  3. Next rule executed 12:30:02 - will search data from 12:29:01-12:30:02

Depends on your cluster and amount of rules, but this configuration can cause performance problems in the future if you have a lot of rules like that.

But maybe you will give us more context about your use case, and we will try to find a better solution with our rules.

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Thanks for your reply. I just wanted to know if it was possible for my project.

It would be nice to implement it :slight_smile:

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