One of our nodes is constantly leaving with "master not discovered yet"

We have a cluster with 33 nodes, and one server (always the same one) is leaving the cluster quite often.

After restarting the service, it joins immediately.

The exact error is:

[2023-12-11T11:23:29,293][WARN ][o.e.c.c.ClusterFormationFailureHelper] [elkdataw004.local] master not discovered yet: have discovered 
discovery will continue using [
    x.x.4.17:9300, x.x.4.16:9300, x.x.4.18:9300
] from hosts providers and [
] from last-known cluster state;
node term 507, last-accepted version 18108627 in term 507;
joining [
] in term [507] has status [waiting for local cluster applier] after [1.3m/79816ms];
for troubleshooting guidance, see

How can I resolve this issue?

Did you try this?

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