Only show results that match exactly with the words of the query and order alphabetic them

Actually I have been using "Multi-index" to search like this:

{"index" : "moviesklic","Type":"vod"}
{"query" : {"query_string":{"fields":["MediaName^1","Nombre original"],"query":"el gran p*"}}, "from" : 0, "size" : 15}
{"index" : "seriesklic","Type":"season"}
{"query" : {"query_string":{"fields":["MediaName^1","Nombre original"],"query":"el gran p*"}}, "from" : 0, "size" : 15}

In this moment, I'm obtaining this results:
"El gran leon"
"El Gran Pequeño"
"El Gran Truco"
"El Gran Pez"
"Tini El Gran Cambio de Violetta"
"El Gran Showman"

I would like to show results that are ordered and also exact to my query, like this:
"El Gran Pequeño"
"El Gran Pez"

"El gran leon"
"El Gran Truco"
"Tini El Gran Cambio de Violetta"
"El Gran Showman"

Because not match exactly with "El gran p" of my query.

Can you help me?

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