Optimum index.translog.flush_threshold_ops setting

I'm not sure how to deduce the optimum
"index.translog.flush_threshold_ops" for my Logstash setup.
Logstash indexes are created on daily basis. I'd like some advises. I
hope these helps:

i. ES version- 0.90.0 stable
ii. ES index template
curl -XPUT -d ' {
"template" : "logstash*",
"settings" : { "number_of_shards" : 1,
"index.cache.field.type" : "soft",
"index.refresh_interval" : "10s",
"index.store.compress.stored" : true }
iii. Logstash pushes approx. 2800 logs/sec into ES.
iv. ES is tuned with
|||bootstrap.mlockall: ||true

Do I need further change other parameters mentioned here
other than the default?


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I think tuning the flush threshold with 2.8k logs/s is like tuning your
bulk size: increase it, then see if you get a significant performance gain.
If you do, increase it again until you don't get a significant gain.

The default setting of 5000 means you'll have a flush every 2 seconds or
even less. I'd make it 10 times more than that. Assuming your logs are
fairly small (under 1K or so), it shouldn't make up a huge transaction log.

Some other advice regarding your template:

  • in my experience, having 1 shard per index doesn't help you significantly
    in terms of search performance. Having 5 shards instead of 1, however,
    should help boost the indexing performance, and also gives you room for
    adding more nodes to host the same index
  • soft field caches will put pressure on your CPU because of the Garbage
    Collector. And CPU is a precious resource when indexing. Since you're on
    0.90, I suggest you cap the size of it by
    setting index.fielddata.cache.size to something like 20% or whatever fits
    your needs in terms of search performance vs used memory
  • increasing indices.memory.index_buffer_size from the default 10% might
    help your indexing speed. As with the translog, I think it's a matter of
    trial-and-error to get the right size
  • in 0.90, you get compression always enabled at Lucene-level,
    so "index.store.compress.stored" : true shouldn't have any effect

Best regards,

http://sematext.com/ -- Elasticsearch -- Solr -- Lucene

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Subin ksubins321@gmail.com wrote:

I'm not sure how to deduce the optimum
"index.translog.flush_threshold_ops" for my Logstash setup.
Logstash indexes are created on daily basis. I'd like some advises. I hope
these helps:

i. ES version- 0.90.0 stable
ii. ES index template
curl -XPUT -d '

"template" :

"settings" : { "number_of_shards" : 1,
"index.cache.field.type" : "soft",
"index.refresh_interval" : "10s",
"index.store.compress.stored" : true }
iii. Logstash pushes approx. 2800 logs/sec into ES.
iv. ES is tuned with
bootstrap.mlockall: true

Do I need further change other parameters mentioned herehttp://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/index-modules/translog/other than the default?


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