ORA-29263: HTTP protocol error

Hi All,

I am having two cluster up and running on a single server. One for 2.4.5 and another for 5.5.0 . While hitting utl_http request from DB for 5.5.0, we are getting the below error whereas it is working fine for 2.4.5 cluster.

Line Pos Text 7 9 ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-29263: HTTP protocol error
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1491
ORA-06512: at line 1

Request: SELECT Utl_Http.request('http://username:password@localhost:9204//') FROM dual; for 5.5.0

Request: SELECT Utl_Http.request('http://localhost:9202//') FROM dual; for 2.4.5

Note: 2.4.5 is password less authentication whereas 5.5.0 having password.

The error codes you are posting seems to come from your Oracle driver.

I don't see how this is related to elasticsearch. Can you be more specific and describe exactly what you are doing?

Hi Dadoonet,

We will connect the elastic search from DB and we will perform some operations. While connecting the elastic search 5.5 cluster from DB we are getting this error.

For elastic search 2.4.5, We are able to connect from DB.

Is this because of port issue or password issue or something else?

Ask your Oracle administrator for this error. This is not Elasticsearch.

It looks like you are not using HTTPS.

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