Parent Child

Say I have two indices like following
(Say Parent)
PUT dept?pretty
POST dept/department/_bulk

(Say Child)
PUT dept_student?pretty
POST dept_student/dept/_bulk

I want to perform Parent child relationship.Please help me out..

Actually I want to build a report in kibana like following--
[Dept_Name] [Marks]
Engineering 350
Medical 240

Kibana does currently not support parent-child, so I would recommend denomalizing the model and store the department name on each employee record.

PUT dept?pretty
POST /dept/department/_bulk

PUT dept_student?pretty
POST /dept/dept_student/_bulk

Getting the below error msg...
"index": {
"_index": "dept",
"_type": "dept_student",
"_id": "200",
"status": 400,
"error": {
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "can't specify parent if no parent field has been configured"
}been configured"

Try this instead:

POST /dept/dept_student/_bulk

As Elasticsearch is not a relational system, the best way to work with it is often to denormalise data rather than try using parent-child or nested document to emulate a relational model.

I got your point,it's better to denormalise data.
But if I want to perform parent child relationship then could you please tell me the mistakes that I have made in my code?

Have you specified an appropriate mapping for you data? You will also need to make sure you have indexed data using routing as shown in the link I provided. You can not perform parent-child queries if this is not in place.

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