I'm trying to solve following task: parse LDIF (LDAP data interchange) with Logstash using 'aggregate' plugin, but currently with no success.
Here is an example of LDIF:
time: 20180708032751
dn: fqdn=host.acme.local,cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=acme,dc=local
result: 0
changetype: modify
replace: krbLastSuccessfulAuth
krbLastSuccessfulAuth: 20180708002752Z
replace: modifiersname
modifiersname: cn=Directory Manager
replace: modifytimestamp
modifytimestamp: 20180708002751Z
replace: entryusn
entryusn: 252729871
What I want to get is something like this:
"host" => "host.acme.local",
"@timestamp" => 2018-07-12T12:06:14.980Z,
"dn" => "fqdn=host.acme.local,cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=acme,dc=local"
"result" => "0"
"changetype" => "modify"
"replace" => [
"krbLastSuccessfulAuth" => "20180708002752Z"
"modifiersname" => "cn=Directory Manager"
"modifytimestamp" => "20180708002752Z"
"message" => "entryusn: 252730169",
"@version" => "1",
"entryusn" => "252730169"
In my case LDIF entry begins with 'time' attribute and ends with 'entryusn'. As is can be seen there is
no any kind of ID on each line that will help to aggregate them into one elasticsearch entry.
First I thought that 'time' can be used as 'task_id' for 'aggregate' plugin, but several LDIF entries can
have same time, so only unique id is entryusn (update sequence number), but it is written as last line so I cannot access it with 'aggregate { task_id => "%{entryusn} map_action => "create" }'