Regroupe LDAP log lines with same id on the same DataTable raw


I'm currently working on an ElasticSearch project that monitors LDAP logs.

In the LDAP logs, related events shares the same id (connection_number). I was wondering is there is a solution to regroupe the various fieds in different documents that shares the same id.


[04/Aug/2018:22:34:15 +0200] conn=184214 op=0 msgId=1 - BIND dn="cn=XOPOY,ou=programs,o=psa" method=128 version=3

[04/Aug/2018:22:34:15 +0200] conn=184214 op=0 msgId=1 - RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0.000450 dn="cn=mwplim02,ou=programs,o=psa"

[04/Aug/2018:22:34:15 +0200] conn=184214 op=2 msgId=3 - UNBIND

The goal is to have a datatable with:

TIMESTAMP | conn | dn (from the BIND) | err | etime

PS: I already have a grok filter in place that sperates the various fields

Thank you !

Something like this has to be done most likely at ingest time. I think the Logstash team will able to help you more with this. You can ask in their part of the forums.

Thanks for the reply, I will do that.

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