Percentages with kibana

Hello everyone,

I need help.
I work on logs of calls and I extract from these logs 2 values : if they are yes or not passed and I store them in 2 different variables (DAS1 and DAS2).

I have mapped it as keyword.

How to get percentages of calls received and not received with kibana ?

Perhaps you could use the pie chart and the "filters" aggregation in a "split slices" bucket. You would probably just have a filter for received, and one for not received, and then the pie chart would show you the distribution

Yes I have already tried. But when I use 2 filters it only displays the results of a single, but not both at the same time.

Sounds like the filters aren't matching correctly, if one of the filters isn't displayed that means it's not matching any documents.

You might want to try this custom Kibana plugin...


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