Percolate with scoring using script_score


does anyone have a working example for using percolate with scoring? It seems that the ones in the docs/github aren't working anymore due to dynamic scripts being disabled by default now.

I am storing queries like this under the .percolator type:

  _id: 1,
  query: {
    multi_match: {
      query: "some query",
      operator: 'and',
      fields: ['title.shingles^2', 'body.shingles'],
      tie_breaker: 0.2
  popularity: 4,
  analyzer: 'analyzer_shingle_for_tags'

I want to percolate a document of this format:

  title: "some string",
  body: "some other string"

but I want the returned matched queries to be scored and sorted according the the popularity.
The request I am using currently is this:

  doc: {... a document like the one above ... }
  query: {
    function_score: {
      query: { match_all: {}},
      functions: [
          script_score: {
            script: 'get_popularity'
  sort: true,
  size: 10,
  track_scores: true

where get_popularity.groovy is in my scripts folder and has this content:

return doc['popularity'].value

But I get an error:

org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException: malformed sort format, either start with array, object, or an actual string

Eventually figured out that the error message did make sense. The sort field in the percolate request needs to be an array or string, so sorting by the "_score" field would work like this:

  doc: {... a document like the one above ... }
  query: {
    function_score: {
      query: { match_all: {}},
      functions: [
          script_score: {
            script: 'get_popularity'
  sort: "_score",
  size: 10,
  track_scores: true