Performing aggregation on field values via Kibana not working

I am using Elasticsearch 5.4.1 and Kibana 5.4.1 . When I try to perform filter aggregations on field values using fieldName:fieldValue , I get no results.However when I only enter the fieldValue as a filter I obtain a list with matching field values from all the fields.

I captured the request using chrome developer tools.Following request is fired when I use fieldName:fieldValue (Response Status:200 , where Response Status is field with values 200,400,500)

"}},{"range":{"@timestamp":{"gte":1499612400000,"lte":1499698799999,"format":"epoch_millis"}}}],"must_not":[]}},"size":0,"_source":{"excludes":[]},"aggs":{"2":{"date_histogram":{"field":"@timestamp","interval":"1h","time_zone":"Asia/Tokyo","min_doc_count":1},"aggs":{"3":{"filters":{"filters":{"Success":{"query_string":{"query":"Response Status:200","analyze_wildcard":true}},"Failed":{"query_string":{"query":"-Response Status:200","analyze_wildcard":true}}}}}}}}}

But when I use only fieldValue (200) below request is fired:


I am not able to figure out the issue.
Thanks in advance.

The problem is that the field name has a space in it, so the query is basically the same as "anything with the word 'Response', and a 200 in the 'Status' field"

Try using the query string Response\ Status:200, the \ escapes the space so that the field name is identified correctly.


Thank you for the response. It solved my problem.:relaxed:

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