Pie Manipulate Slices


Creating simple Pie Visualization, which shows the SUM of field X, and split slices by TERMS of field Y.
(Field X is a number, and Field Y is a keyword).

My question is, can I manipulate existing Slices and make a new\existing slice to be the result of Subtraction of 2 other existing slices?

For example : I want to show/generate as a slice, the difference between the RED and PINK slices

I tried using the JSON input, but from what I found, it only support value aggregation, basically manipulating a specific field's value.

can I manipulate existing Slices and make a new\existing slice to be the result of Subtraction of 2 other existing slices?

No, that is not possible. Please comment on SUM of multiple fields · Issue #11427 · elastic/kibana · GitHub to describe your use case.

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