Plainess regex enagle


I have "script.painless.regex.enabled: true" at elasticsearch.yml and trying to use some additional regex features (Pattern.compile) in plainness but it still seems not to allow it. I am testing within the cloud which should be 8.5.

what I am trying to do in ingest + plainness:

The following works:

"set": {
        "if": "Pattern p = /a*b/; Matcher m = p.matcher('aaaab') ; m.matches()",
        "field": "somefield",
        "value": "{{{somevaluevalues}}}",

With Pattern.compile returned error:

"set": {
        "if": "Pattern p = Pattern.compile('a*b') ; Matcher m = p.matcher('aaaab') ; m.matches() ",
        "field": "somefield",
        "value": "{{{somevaluevalues}}}",

the error I got
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "static method [java.util.regex.Pattern, compile/1] not found"

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