Plainless Query Cannot invoke \"Object.getClass()\" because \"callArgs[0]\" is null

I am using a painless scripting language to query,but the hit of result is empty.
This is my query body

POST test_script-0/_search
                                "format":"epoch_millis||yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
                                "inline":"\n            try{\n                Matcher m = /(?<ar1fbe9185f4feeb15eb9577e31c5f5394>\\d+)/.matcher(String.valueOf(params['_source']['freeSize']));\n                m.find();\n                String f =;\n                f==\"487883268096\"\n            }catch(Exception e){}",

Then I take a testing, I create an index with a document first.

POST test_script-0/_doc

I delete the operation of catching the exception,this is my query body,then I got an error.

  "_source": true,
  "aggs": {},
  "from": 0,
  "highlight": {
    "fields": {
      "*": {
        "fragment_size": 10000
    "post_tags": [
    "pre_tags": [
    "require_field_match": false
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "filter": [],
      "must": [
          "script": {
            "script": {
              "inline": "Matcher m = /(?<ar1fbe9185f4feeb15eb9577e31c5f5394>\\d+)/.matcher(String.valueOf(params['_source']['freeSize'])); m.find(); String f =;               f==\"487883268096\";",
              "lang": "painless"
      "must_not": [],
      "should": [
  "size": 10,
  "sort": [
      "@timestamp": {
        "missing": "_last",
        "order": "desc",
        "unmapped_type": "date"

When executing, I have the following error.

Are there some idea for it ?

Looking forward to any help!

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