Possible to Create kibana indexes from application code?


I would like to ask question like. There was a Java application which deployed to elastic kibana. Now there is a need to create indexes for it, we can go ahead and write up in kibana - index management.

But my question here is :

The application team would like to create from code where their application code runs, is that possible ?As Java developer they would like to write it up in any of .yml files or properties or configuration file. Is that possible to create index without logging to kibana cluster ?

Please help with comments or possibilities

Some one please help here


Can you provide more context about what you want to do? It is not clear.

Kibana is a visualization and manage tool, it works as client to Elasticsearch, every index is created on Elasticsearch directly not on Kibana.

Java application were onboard to elastic. Observability - APM - service. Here I have onboraded application service names.

Java application team has did configuration in configuration files with APM url, service name. Now application team asking..is there any possibility to write code to create index in setup files itself by using any packages or functions ?