Possible to grok an Elasticsearch document fields?

I'm trying to load some data from an ES index (using Elasticsearch input plugin), parse some of its fields with grok filter and load them back into another ES index. I can't seem to find a way to access a particular field in my input event.

The event doesn't contain tha 'message' field, just a JSON that ES query returned (but not as a string).
Any suggestions on how to approach this?

What does your current json look like along with your current config.


My JSON looks like this:

          "createdByName": "jharrison29",
          "Company": "The Company",
          "assetCategory": "Prestige",
          "SectorCategoryToAsset": "\\Beauty Care,\\Beauty Care\\Skin and Personal Care",
          "Product": [
              "subbrand": null,
              "subsector": null,
              "subsubbrand": "N/A",
              "fpc_id": 80317569,
              "segment": null,
              "category": "Personal Power",
              "sector": null,
              "brand": "Somebrande"
              "subbrand": null,
              "subsector": null,
              "subsubbrand": "N/A",
              "fpc_id": 87448895,
              "segment": null,
              "category": "Pet Care",
              "sector": null,
              "brand": "Somebrand"
          "asset_id": 16515969,
          "AssetStatus": "\\Final",
          "assetTypeGrouping": "marketing assets",
          "ModifiedDate": "4/8/2016",
          "targetDefinition": "M.Asset",
          "AssetView": "Front",
          "assetgeography": [
              "country": "FR",
              "region": "EMEA"
              "country": "PL",
              "region": "EMEA"
          "FileExtension": "\\other",
          "@version": "1",
          "assetagency": [
              "agency_name": "\\DMG"
              "agency_name": "\\Proximity"
          "timestamp": "2016-01-15T17:51:30Z",
          "assetBrand": "Glycerine Non-Kosher Crude",
          "eventType": "DirectDownloadCompleted",
          "InformationSecurityClassification": "\\zzzUnassigned",
          "tags": [],
          "AssetType": "\\Demo\\Animation",
          "@timestamp": "2016-12-15T15:12:08.512Z",
          "ModifiedByName": "pcollins29",
          "isTemplate": "True",
          "CreatedDate": "7/23/2016",
          "usergroup": [
              "group_name": "Power Editors All Facets"
          "DeploymentLevel": "Product Research",
          "order_id": 82,
          "user": {
            "Employee_Type": "Non-employee",
            "Email": "abanks29@census.gov",
            "HR_Country": "US",
            "Username": "lrivera29@biglobe.ne.jp",
            "HR_Region": "NA",
            "HR_Function": "Marketing"
          "usergroup_group_name": "\\Everyone\\Sector/Category Skin and Personal Care : 378587\\Skin and Personal Care Business Consumers",

The config file looks like this:

input {
        elasticsearch {
                hosts => "<my_ip>:9200"
                index => "index1"
                query => '{
								  "query_string": {
										"fields": ["_id"],
										"query": "AVjfAZ_kuIdmMA_mhSxU"
filter {
  grok {
        patterns_dir => ["/etc/logstash/patterns"]
        match => { "usergroup_group_name" => [
                "%{CATEGORY:business_consumer_category} Business Consumers",
                "%{CATEGORY:power_editor_category} Power Editors",
                "%{CATEGORY:business_admin_category} Business Admins"]
        add_field => {
                "user_permissions.public_category" => "All Assets"
                "user_permissions.business_consumer_category" => "%{business_consumer_category}"
                "user_permissions.power_editor_category" => "%{power_editor_category}"
                "user_permissions.business_admin_category" => "%{business_admin_category}"
        break_on_match => false
output {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => ["<myip>:9200"]
        index => "grok_test"
        codec => "json"

The CATEGORY pattern looks like this:


I got this to work. No need for further debugging. Thanks!

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