Post 6.3 Upgrade Issue: "Config: Failed to fetch"

Can't save any Configuration changes post 6.3 upgrade. Dead in the water as Kibana does not remember Default index, etc. and can't set/save same.


(1) Just did a normal sudo apt-get update and upgrade on Ubuntu.

(2) Had to set server.ssl.enabled to true ("Enabling ssl by only specifying server.ssl.certificate and server.ssl.key is deprecated. Please set server.ssl.enabled to true"})

(3) Had to manually remove /usr/share/kibana/plugins ( sudo rm /usr/share/kibana/plugins -r)

"Multple plugins found with the id "xpack_main":\n"

Thanks for the tip.

I also found that after the upgrade to 6.3 that the /usr/share/kibana/optimize/.babelcache.json was owned by root. And this caused the startup to fail. this should be owned by kibana:kibana

Just to be clear: I'm down here and need some thoughts on how to isolate and solve the "Config:Failed to Fetch" error when I try to change Kibana settings.

Note that I did try a variant of @markdaku 's suggestion and tried:

sudo chown kibana:root /usr/share/kibana -R
sudo chown elasticsearch:root /usr/share/elasticsearch -R

This had no impact on the issue. Help please -- I know this is an easy one once you know the secret :wink:

On some of my systems I found that the new package needed to be reconfigured during the dpkg install phase. The new version 6.3 wanted to replace a lot of the config files. Which was very annoying.

Try this to force a reconfiguration of the packages. You might find that this will also give you all the files that might be missing. Again this is something that should never happen.

sudo dpkg --configure -a

Note this reconfigure does not lend itself to automation. It means we have to chuck out the env orchestration for the monitoring tools. Which just further makes it more brittle.

Evidently a known issue. Only option is to rollback to 6.2.3.

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