Problem adding records to index.. which has field type geo_point

When I try to index an object using Jest client or elastic client, I get this error..

failed to execute [index {[storelocations][wines][PFV-1187GVRNC], source[{"id":"xx1111","active":"Yes","locationName":"y Vineyards","locationType":"Standard","url":"","address1":"asdfds asdf Valley Road","address2":"","address3":"","address4":"","city":"Napa","zipPostalCode":"94558","country":"US","internationalAddress":"","contactPhone":"11111111","contactFax":"","facebookPageId":"","pin":{"point":{"lat":38.2975380999999970299541018903255462646484375,"lon":-122.286865000000005920810508541762828826904296875}}}]}] on [[storelocations][0]]
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [pin.point] is defined as an object in mapping [wines] but this name is already used for a field in other types

I double, tripple checked that pin.point does not exist anywhere.. I also deleted indexes before executing this.. Please let me know what I am doing wrong..

I have the following mapping

"mappings": {
	"storelocations": {
			"pin" : {
				        "properties" : {
				            "point" : {
				                "type" : "geo_point"


Is that the entire mappings for storelocations?