I'd really appreciate some assistance in understanding how to deal with installing Logstash plugins locally (no internet access).
I was given some gem files to install as filter plugins so I followed the process on the elastic.co pages and the process appeared to work okay:-
C:\LS\logstash-2.0.0\bin>plugin install C:\LS\gems\logstash-filter-memorize-0.1.0.gem
io/console not supported; tty will not be manipulated
Validating C:\LS\gems\logstash-filter-memorize-0.1.0.gem
Installing logstash-filter-memorize
Installation successful
But when I do a "plugin list" my filter is not present.
I have looked around online and see threads that make reference to finding the .gemspec but I cannot find a gemspec for this file anywhere in my cleanly installed Logstash 2.0 directory.
Can someone point me in the right direction here and kindly advise the step by step for how to 'package' a .rb file (which I'm fine with making) which contains my ruby code into something that the logstash plugin manager can work with?
Many thanks!