Problem While loading Filebeat Index Template in Elasticsearch


While loading the FileBeat template Template to my localhost Elasticsearch I encountred a problem : ">The system returned: (113) No route to host<" but I can can access access my localhost using the Elasticsearch port 9200 so I can't understand from where this "No route to host"problem appears..


Please don't post pictures of text, they are difficult to read and some people may not be even able to see them.

However based on the part you typed it sounds like you have no access to your ES host. Can you ping it or telnet to the host on 9200?

Okay man but the picture is more detailed for those who can understand it :wink:

And yes I can ping the host on that port and I can also open it in the browser ..

Solved, in fact It's a Proxy problem, for those who encounter the same problem just unset the proxy env and reboot your machine .

Okay man but the picture is more detailed for those who can understand it

It's just text so it can be copied and pasted. A screenshot isn't more detailed, it's just more annoying.