Load the templates manually - is the output correct?

Hi all,
since my filebeat doesn't have any access to Elasticsearch I have to follow this procedure https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/filebeat-template.html#load-template-manually.

I have the following output:

curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/_template/filebeat-6.2.1 -d@/tmp/filebeat.template.json -u admin
Enter host password for user 'admin':
curl: (52) Empty reply from server

Is it correct output ? And how do I verify this command did what it was supposed to do ?

I've just had a look at elasticsearch logs and it told me that

Someone (/ speaks http plaintext instead of ssl, will close the channel

so I realized I should have used -k and https. After that I got the answer acknowledged: true.

Glad you found the solution yourself and thanks for posting it.

But after I run it and then run from the Kibana console:

GET _cat/indices

I don't get any filebeat-* indices.
Why is that ?

Can you share your filebeat log file?

It's already working. I have removed SG and went for the simplest solution. Also forgot to load the default dashboard (?).

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