Problem with @timestamp

I use logstash for ingest in elasstic a CSV file, i have a error from the time stamps is not the daily date
my config logstash is

input {

file {
    path => "/data/volumes/monitoring/logstash/logCtrlM/stock.csv"
    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
    start_position => "beginning"

filter {

csv {
    separator => ","
    columns => [  "Univers",  "Entrepot", "Sous application", "Chaine", "Job", "Statut", "couleur", "date plan", "numero passage", "satatut global", "couleurG" ]
    skip_header => "true"

date {
    match => [ "date plan" , "YYYY-MM-dd" ]
    timezone => "Europe/Paris"

mutate {
    convert => { "numero passage" => "integer" }

mutate {
    convert => { "couleur" => "integer" }
mutate {
    convert => { "couleurG" => "integer" }


output {
    elasticsearch {
    hosts => "http://elasticsearch:9200"
    index => "<logstash-{now/d}>"


    stdout {
        codec => rubydebug

It looks good to me. Midnight in Paris is 22h00 in GMT/UTC.

the @timestamp " => 2020-06-16T22:00:00.000Z is not good is not the dailly date ?

What do you mean by daily date? "La date du jour"?
The date when the event happened or when logstash is running?

Yes it is "La date du jour"

for exemple my index is logstsh-2020.06.18 but the timestamp is @timestamp " => 2020-06-16T22:00:00.000Z

This is expected because you wrote this:

date {
    match => [ "date plan" , "YYYY-MM-dd" ]
    timezone => "Europe/Paris"

This reads the content of the text field date plan and parse it as a date, according the format and time zone you set and write the computed date to @timestamp. Which overwrites the date of the event.

Then you wrote that:

elasticsearch {
    index => "<logstash-{now/d}>"

This means that the index name is generated not by using the value of the @timestamp field but the current date. The default value for index is logstash-%{+yyyy.MM.dd} which uses the date of the event. See

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