Problems with _mlt. IndexMissingException

Might be that i've missed something but haven't been able to solve this on my own.
Why is it trowing this error on _mlt querries?

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/products/ads/4f6d50d2eabc88fb0f000000/_mlt?min_term_freq=1&min_doc_freq=1'
{"error":"IndexMissingException[[products] missing]","status":404}

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/products/ads/4f6d50d2eabc88fb0f000000'
{"_index":"products","_type":"ads","_id":"4f6d50d2eabc88fb0f000000","_version":2,"exists":true, "_source" : and so on........

So the index and that id exists...

The DSL one works but as far as i can see it doesn't support the id in the request so i have to remove/exclude the document i'm searching more like this on in my code.
"more_like_this" : {