Proximity Search with wildcard

I am working on a patent doc. Is there a way where Query string Query be used to search in near(proximity) as well as with wildcard? I am not able to use span query because then I have to take care of many cases or can span query be generated by itself.
For example-

  1. ("watch" OR artific*) near (virtua?)
    Can Query string query be used to fetch the results or any other string Query?
  2. Input:
    'ferm! w/5 outil w/5 dispositif'
    'span_near': {
    'clauses': [
    {'span_multi': {'match': {'prefix': {'text': 'ferm'}}}},
    {'span_near': {
    'clauses': [
    {'span_term': {'text': 'outil'}},
    {'span_term': {'text': 'dispositif'}}
    'collect_payloads': False,
    'in_order': False,
    'slop': 4}
    'collect_payloads': False,
    'in_order': False,
    'slop': 4
    } },
    I want to this in php or javascript or node.
    Thanks in advance
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