Proxy Configuration for API Monitoring in Heartbeat

Hi ,

I have configured the following settings to monitor APIs through a proxy in Heartbeat to check whether the APIs are up or down. I tested both proxy_url and HTTP_PROXY, but neither of them seems to be working as expected.

Here are the configurations I used:

  • type: http
    name: my-api
    enable: true
    schedule: "@every 15m"
    hosts: ["https://my-name/api"]
    status: [200, 202, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 409, 429]
    proxy_url: "https://proxy-ip:port"

  • type: http
    name: my-api
    enable: true
    schedule: "@every 5m"
    hosts: ["https://my-name/api"]
    HTTP_PROXY: "https://proxy-ip:port"
    status: [200, 202, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 409, 429]
    timeout: 30s

Could someone please assist me with this issue and review the configurations? Thank you in advance for your help!