Query an index an put it into another index in Ingest plugin

I need to copy fields from an index to another one using an ingest plugin. I have used the following query:
SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch("index1", "index2")
.setTypes("type1", "type2")
.setQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery("multi", "test")) // Query
.setPostFilter(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("age").from(12).to(18)) // Filter

In the new index I can see the fields added in it but the problem that ES increase the number of documents in the new index continuously but in reality, I have to found the same number of documents of the original index.

It's super unclear...

How this query is related to the reindex operation?
How is it related to an ingest plugin? Which one?

Then I'm not sure I'm understanding this part:

but the problem that ES increase the number of documents in the new index continuously but in reality, I have to found the same number of documents of the original index.

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