Query analyzer confusion of multi-field containing keyword and analyzed

Hello All -

I've come upon a behavior which I don't like. If the fields searched by query_string include a keyword (unanalyzed) field in addition to an analyzed field, it seems the token-level analyzer won't omit symbols. Below is a Kibana Dev Tools Console example I tested with Elasticsearch 5.6.12 . We're in the midst of migrating to Elasticsearch 6 and I introduced this buggy behavior to our app when i disabled _all and turned on "all_fields": true by default (as part of our gradual migration). Is there a workaround for this that doesn't involve explicitly specifying only analyzed fields? I tried adding "analyzer": "standard" without success.

Thanks in advance,
- Luke

PUT example

PUT /example/widget/1
    "name": "alpha beta"

# hits
GET /example/_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "default_operator": "AND", 
      "query": "alpha & beta", 
      "fields": ["name"]

# no hits!?
GET /example/_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "default_operator": "AND", 
      "query": "alpha & beta", 
      "fields": ["name", "name.keyword"]

Aha! I tested this locally with 6.4.1 and my test case works! I guess I'll have to tolerate this until we finish our migration to 6.x for these searches to return correct results.

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