Query on elasticsearch installation

Hello there!

I have got a query on the elasticsearch installation.

We have installed elasticsearch with x-pack using ansible, and the specs are here,

1.) Server A - node 1 (master), node 2 (data node)
2.) Server B - node 1 (master), node 2 (data node)

How would elasticsearch correspond and sync internally between the nodes when I access the url of node1 and update something on it?

Since x-pack is present, when I create a user using file realm, will it get synced across the nodes? (if I create a user in node 1 called testuser, would it be available and accessible from server A node2, or Server B nodes?

My configuration goes down here,

Server A:

Node 1:
> bootstrap.memory_lock: false
> bootstrap.system_call_filter: false
> cluster.name: custom-cluster
> cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: true
> cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high: 0.99
> cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low: 0.98
> discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1
> discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts:
> - ccncmu30.de.db.com:9301
> - ccncmu32.de.db.com:9301
> http.port: 9201
> index.codec: best_compression
> network.host: ccncmu30.de.db.com
> node.data: false
> node.master: true
> transport.tcp.port: 9301
> xpack.security.authc.realms.file1.order: 0
> xpack.security.authc.realms.file1.type: file
> xpack.security.authc.realms.native1.order: 1
> xpack.security.authc.realms.native1.type: native
> xpack.security.http.ssl.enabled: true
> xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled: true
> xpack.ssl.keystore.key_password: abcde
> xpack.ssl.keystore.password: welcome1
> xpack.ssl.keystore.path: /opt/elastic/applications/elasticsearch-5.2.2/node1/x-pack/certs/ccncmu30.de.db.com_elastic_uat.jks
> xpack.ssl.truststore.password: welcome1

> node.name: ccncmu30.de.db.com-node1

> #################################### Paths ####################################

> # Path to directory containing configuration (this file and logging.yml):
> path.conf: /opt/elastic/applications/elasticsearch-5.2.2/node1

> path.data: /opt/elastic/applications/elasticsearch-5.2.2/data/ccncmu30.de.db.com-node1

> path.logs: /opt/elastic/applications/elasticsearch-5.2.2/logs/ccncmu30.de.db.com-node1

> xpack.monitoring.enabled: false

node 2:

> bootstrap.memory_lock: false
> bootstrap.system_call_filter: false
> cluster.name: custom-cluster
> cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled: true
> cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high: 0.99
> cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low: 0.98
> discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts:
> - ccncmu30.de.db.com:9301
> - ccncmu32.de.db.com:9301
> http.port: 9202
> index.codec: best_compression
> network.host: ccncmu30.de.db.com
> node.data: true
> node.master: false
> transport.tcp.port: 9302
> xpack.security.authc.realms.file1.order: 0
> xpack.security.authc.realms.file1.type: file
> xpack.security.authc.realms.native1.order: 1
> xpack.security.authc.realms.native1.type: native
> xpack.security.http.ssl.enabled: true
> xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled: true
> xpack.ssl.keystore.key_password: abc123
> xpack.ssl.keystore.password: welcome1
> xpack.ssl.keystore.path: /opt/elastic/applications/elasticsearch-5.2.2/node2/x-pack/certs/ccncmu30.de.db.com_elastic_uat.jks
> xpack.ssl.truststore.password: welcome1
> xpack.ssl.truststore.path: /opt/elastic/applications/elasticsearch-5.2.2/node2/x-pack/certs/ccncmu30.de.db.com_elastic_uat.jks

Similary on server B on node 1 and node 2 the same goes like above.

Please help me on this.



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