Query on responded output

How to write a conditional query on multiple fields?
Explain: I have an index let say "case" and the fields are "title", "secondTitle(contain nested obj)", "source(contain nested obj)". Now I want to search on title and want number of document inside of secondTitle, which also contains in source field of another document.

PUT /case_indx_tmp_tmp
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
        "type": "text",
        "fields": {
        "type": "nested",
        "properties": {
            "fields": {
        "type": "nested",
        "properties": {
            "fields": {

PUT /case_indx_tmp_tmp/_doc/1
    "title" : "Case 1",
    "secondTitle" : [
            "case_title" : "Case 2"
        "source_title":"Case 3"
        "source_title":"Case 4"
PUT /case_indx_tmp_tmp/_doc/2
    "title" : "Case 2",
    "secondTitle" : [
            "case_title" : "Case 3"
            "case_title" : "Case 4"
            "case_title" : "Case 1"
        "source_title":"Case 1"
PUT /case_indx_tmp_tmp/_doc/3
    "title" : "Case 3",
    "secondTitle" : [
            "case_title" : "Case 5"
            "case_title" : "Case 4"
            "case_title" : "Case 1"
        "source_title":"Case 2"
        "source_title":"Case 5"
PUT /case_indx_tmp_tmp/_doc/4
    "title" : "Case 5",
        "source_title":"Case 3"
        "source_title":"Case 4"
        "source_title":"Case 2"

If search term is "Case" then it will return

title: Case 1
secondTitle_count: 1

title: Case 2
secondTitle_count: 3

title: Case 3
secondTitle_count: 2

title: Case 5
secondTitle_count: 0

My solution was, to iterate all documents which return after search query and make new bool query object for the "source" field where values are from secondTitle.

Thank You.

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